ONE VOICE: Brandon Duckett

This month, NACS talks to Brandon Duckett, Vice President of Finance RaceTrac Inc.

ONE VOICE: Brandon Duckett

November 2023   minute read

What role in the community do you think convenience stores should play?
Convenience stores are an integral part of the community. They serve as the local one-stop shop, the preferred fueling destination and the “convenient” location to grab your favorite food or snacks.

What does NACS political engagement mean to you and what benefits have you experienced from being politically engaged?
NACS political engagement means so much. Being engaged provides a voice for all convenience stores on issues that impact us and our guests. It provides a platform where the convenience store community can ensure our concerns are heard and—more importantly—addressed.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night (with respect to the convenience store industry)?
Swipe fees and SNAP hot foods. Swipe fees are the second largest expense behind labor, and those fees continue to rise year after year, which has a major impact on our guests. SNAP hot foods because all our customers, including those who participate in the SNAP programs, should be able to buy a hot meal. If you can buy the same exact meal cold, why can’t you buy it warmed up?

What c-store product could you not live without?
I’m a sucker for sour gummy worms.

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