One Voice: Rob Gallo

This month, NACS talks to Rob Gallo, chief strategy and marketing officer, Impact 21

One Voice: Rob Gallo

June 2024   minute read

What does NACS political engagement mean to you and what benefits have you experienced from being politically engaged?

NACS political engagement is a driving force for our industry. I know companies across the convenience and fuel retailing ecosystem appreciate knowing there is proactive and consistent advocacy on their behalf. The research and insights provided by the NACS government relations team have helped me in my projects and conversations with clients. They have also proven valuable in conversations with convenience store shoppers regarding certain legislation. NACS events like Day on the Hill give me a chance to experience the process firsthand by engaging directly with our nation’s policymakers.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night (with respect to the convenience store industry)?

The convenience store industry has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve regardless of the headwinds it faces. I don’t expect the current environment to be any different. That said, I do think that swipe fee legislation would benefit both retailers and consumers. It would enable convenience retailers to reinvest in the customer experience as consumer trends continue to evolve.

What c-store product could you not live without?

One? I love shopping at convenience stores! Fresh brewed iced tea with nugget ice and lemon. It’s the perfect complement to great foodservice items like Casey’s breakfast pizza and Spinx fried chicken.

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