One Voice: Sharif Jamal

This month, NACS talks to Sharif Jamal, Director of Brand Development Chestnut Market.

One Voice: Sharif Jamal

June 2023   minute read

What role in the community do you think convenience stores should play?
Convenience stores play an active role in communities by providing a safe and welcoming environment with easy access to essential goods and services, particularly for people who may not have easy access to larger supermarkets or specialty stores. Convenience stores also provide local employment opportunities, and most stores work with local charities and schools to give back.

What does NACS political engagement mean to you and what benefits have you experienced from being politically engaged?
Through NACS political engagement, members have had the opportunity to meet and educate policymakers on Capitol Hill on the issues and concerns the c-store industry faces. It has been a great experience to help advocate for my team and develop relationships with people in our industry who are working towards the same goals at both state and federal levels.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night?
The issue on my mind lately is the Credit Card Competition Act that NACS has been trying to get reintroduced and passed into law. Since credit card swipe fees are our second largest expense (after labor), and they continue to increase year after year, it is an issue that all retailers should care about.

What c-store product could you not live without?
A fresh cup of Lotta Java Coffee at Chestnut Market.

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