ONE VOICE: Tony Battaglia

This month, NACS talks to Tony Battaglia, key accounts and industry development VP, on-the-go sales channels, Tropicana Brands Group

ONE VOICE: Tony Battaglia

December 2023   minute read

What does NACS political engagement mean to you?

NACS political engagement means to actively participate in the political process to support the c-store industry, which includes activities such as voting, advocacy, activism and involvement in government policy. Being politically engaged means taking an active interest in the political issues and decisions that affect our industry and surrounding communities and actively participating in the democratic process to make positive change.

Being involved politically allows me to have a voice in the development of policies and laws that can impact my life, my career, my business and my customers’ business. By engaging in advocacy, I can help shape the rules and regulations that govern business for the betterment of convenience store operators. Being engaged also allows me to stay more informed about political issues and candidates. Through being informed, I can then better relate to c-store retailers’ challenges and needs and do my part to support them for the greater good.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night (with respect to the convenience store industry)?

Not passing the Credit Card Competition Act keeps me up at night. This legislation would help preserve small business owners’ freedom of choice between multiple credit card networks by injecting much-needed competition into the credit card processing market, allowing small business owners to choose the option that is best for their business.

Passing the Credit Card Competition Act would enhance credit card competition and choice in order to reduce excessive credit card fees and free up money for other important business needs.

What c-store product could you not live without?

As the sales and industry development lead for my company, Tropicana Brands Group, the c-store product I could not live without is Tropicana Orange Juice. And of course, fresh-brewed coffee. I travel in my car a lot, and I frequently stop at convenience stores in the morning and late at night for a cup of much-needed coffee and OJ to start my day and keep me going. Thank you, c-store operators, for always being there for me!

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