One Voice: Terry Gallagher

This month, NACS talks to Terry Gallagher, President, Gasamat Oil Corp/Smoker Friendly.

One Voice: Terry Gallagher

August 2023   minute read

What role in the community do you think convenience stores should play?

We should be good neighbors in our communities—clean, well-lit and safe stores that provide our consumers a shopping opportunity with a number of product choices to fulfill their needs, at fair prices, with quick and friendly service.

What does NACS political engagement mean to you and what benefits have you experienced from being politically engaged?

NACS members do business in an environment that has products and services that are highly regulated. It’s imperative we have voices and relationships in Washington, D.C. NACS provides a path to both Congress and the regulatory agencies that allows us to advocate for our businesses in many meaningful ways to either prevent, change or create legislation or regulation that impacts our industry.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night (with respect to the convenience store industry)?

I sleep pretty well at night, but if there is one agency that I worry about it would be the FDA and the Center for Tobacco Products. Cigarettes, tobacco and nicotine products as a category are extremely important to the profitability of our stores and trade channel, yet the people charged with regulating them are prohibitionists and hate the products. Not a great mix!

What c-store product could you not live without?

I guess the old gas pumper in me is coming out! Fuel … I love gasoline, diesel and all fossil fuels! I love the people that work throughout the industry to provide these products! Inside the store I’d have to say candy. I like all kinds of candy!

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